
NSTI (W) Trichy LAB

The Fashion Design & Technology

The Fashion Design & Technology Lab is spacious with proper ventilation. It has 25 Nos. of Industrial Model Sewing Machines, Cutting Tables, Dress forms and Mannequins. A good trial room is available to check the fitting of the sewn garments. Separate shelves with locking facilities are also available to keep the things of the trainees. For CAD, a separate Computer lab with Computers and Colour Printer with latest specifications is provided for the trainees. 2 nos. of Optitex PDS 3D software and 3 nos. of Reach CAD Fashion Studio software are being used along with Corel Draw software for Pattern and Fashion Designing.

MoU partners under Dual System of Training (DST) :

1. M/S  M.R.Creations, 118/1, Thuraiyur Main Road, Manachanallur, Trichy – 621 005.

2. M/S Vasu Garments, 612, Indra Gandhi Nagar, Rettaivaikkal, Vayalur Main Road, Trichy – 621102.

3. M/S Maruvur Garments, No.1/11, Sakthi Nagar, Trichy Main Road, Viralimalai – 621 316.


Secretarial Practice Lab

The Secretarial Practice Lab is well furnished and equipped as per the standard list of tools and equipment for the Secretarial Practice (English) trade NSQF Syllabus. The Computer Lab is Spacious with Proper ventilation and Air Conditioner.Printers and LCD projector are available with latest software. This trade is one the most demanded trade excellent opportunity in Government and corporate sectors.

The Job roles are to perform routine clerical and administrative functions such as drafting correspondence, scheduling appointments, organizing and maintaining paper and electronic files, or providing information to callers.

MoU partners under Dual System of Training (DST) :

  1. Contura Solar (India)Pvt.Ltd, Kattur, Trichy-620019.
  2. M/S. Swathi Technologies, Dindugal Road Trichy.


Electronics Mechanic Lab

The Electronics Mechanic Lab is well furnished and equipped with high end Computers, LCD  Projectors, Printers, CRO, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generators, UPS Trainer Kit, SMPS Trainer Kit, Communication Trainer Kit, LED/LCD TV Trainer Kit, 8051 Trainer kit etc.


IoT Technician (Smart City) LAB


The IoT Technician (Smart City) Lab is well furnished and equipped with high end Computers, IoT Explorer Trainer Kit, Sensors for Smart Water & Waste water Management &Monitoring, Weather Monitoring System, Weather Monitoring System, IoT based Smart Streetlight System, Smart Transportation Monitoring System, LCD Projectors, Printers, CRO, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generators, Digital IC Trainer Kit, SMPS Trainer Kit, Communication Trainer Kit, LED/LCD TV Trainer Kit, 8051 Trainer kit etc.


Faculty :  Shri.BASAVARAJ, Training Officer.

MoU partners under Dual System of Training (DST) :

POWER INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS, Shastri Rd, Tennur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620017.



Contact details

PHONE: 0431 – 2552515




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